Adductor strains, more commonly known as “groin strains" occur in sports like hockey and soccer, but can also be found in other sports like swimming, rugby and cricket.
Groin strains can result in loss of playing time in any sport. It is therefore important to recognize that adductor strains are preventable. Groin strains can make a full recovery with proper rehabilitation.
Anatomy 101
The adductor muscle group is made up of six muscles; pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis and obturator externus. These muscles are found on the inside of the thigh and originate in the inguinal region. The adductor muscle group main action is hip adduction (bringing the leg towards the midline). The adductor longus muscle is thought to be the most commonly injured of the adductor muscle group, this is partly due to its lack of mechanical advantage.
How do I know if I have a groin strain?
A groin strain can be described as pain on palpation of the muscle tendons, tear, or rupture of the adductor muscle group. A first degree adductor strain is characterized by pain, specifically with resisted hip adduction. A second degree strain is described by tissue damage that compromises the strength of the muscles, and swelling and bruising may be present. A third degree strain is a complete disruption of the muscle tendon unit, as well as complete loss in muscle strength.
Am I at risk for a groin strain?
Although adductor strains are most common in sports, anyone can experience a strain or a tear. Common factors associated with groin strains that may put someone at risk are hip muscle weakness, previous adductor injury, abdominal core weakness, poor adductor flexibility, pelvic instability, and poor off-season conditioning.
How do I prevent a groin strain?
Research emphasizes the importance of pre-season conditioning of the adductor muscle group to prevent injury during the season, and to prevent re-injury in the future. Intervention programs need to be specific to the injury for proper rehabilitation.
At Strada Health and Fitness, our qualified health care professionals will take the time to assess, diagnose, treat and prevent your injury. Call us today at (902) 444 1990 to book an assessment!